The Eternal Promise- Religion is for the Fearful
Religion is for the fearful. Whilst it is common belief that religion was invented for those who fear death, I believe its purpose is quite the opposite in fact. I believe those who follow a religion follow it because they are afraid of life. For some, it’s easier to accept that this is not the final destination and instead life is much like school or university, a process we go through before we reach the final destination. This makes me wonder how can someone be so afraid of life that they are willing to believe that it is not worth 'living' for fear it will upset some higher being? Life is scary. But I like sex, I like wine, I like dancing, and those are the joys of that scary, scary life those agnostics, atheists, and deists lead. People like having a plan. People like striving for something in the hopes it will make them happy. So they said 'let's strive for heaven and we'll be happy.' A foolproof plan for a fool. I ask, those of you seeking happiness in...